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Travelbizz is a proprietary concern which is not promoted or owned by central government or various governments of union territories / state governments within Union of India. Resemblance of name of our organization with "Travelbizz" campaign initiated by ministry of tourism which is styled as Incredıble!ndıa is mere coincidence and not intentional.

The clients of Travelbizz understand the fact in certainty that we are not directly or indirectly related with Government of India or various State / Union Territory Governments.

Travelbizz and its employees, officers, subsidiaries, affiliates, agents, and assigns does not own or operate any unit which offers, or is to offer, goods or services for tour including lodging facilities, transportation companies, food service providers or equipment suppliers, etc.

Travelbizz 's responsibility is absolutely limited. We are not responsible for the acts or failures to act, willfully or otherwise, of actual service provider or other third party over whom we do not have any direct control. As tour consultants/ travel agent, we promote, organize and sell tour packages of various tour operators/ service providers, which may consist of transportation, excursions and accommodations. Such service providers/ tour operators are independent contractors outside our administrative control.

Travelbizz  is not liable for any bodily injury or harm, accidents, property damage or personal loss to the clients as a result of, but not limited to –

  •     Physical exertion for which the client may not be prepared.
  •     Transportation by plane, train car, bus, boat or other mode of transportation (such as bicycle, horse, foot, etc.)
  •     Consumption of alcoholic beverages
  •     High altitude on hills
  •     Forces of nature like high winds, hurricanes, flooding, etc.
  •     Exhaustion due to heat.
  •     Civil unrest or terrorism.
  •     Quality of medical services in remote areas.

Travelbizz is further not liable for any expenses like meals, transportation, hotel costs, etc. that are not specifically included in the price of the tour. For any such expenses, if the same is included in price, the actual service provider / tour operator will be responsible.

Travelbizz  reserves the right to make alterations in hotel or route of trip in order to improve the quality of a tour or in interest of better accommodation of guests.

Travelbizz is in no way ever responsible for damage to personal belongings of client including electronic goods during tour. This includes but is not limited to damage in water, accidents, loss, and theft.

The maximum liability on part of Travelbizz arising under any circumstances, in respect of any services offered, shall be limited to total amount received from the client. Any consequential loss, damage or additional expense whatsoever will never be part of our liability.

Clients and user of this website acknowledge that they have voluntarily desired to explore the website and applied voluntarily to participate in the tour designed therein with the knowledge of various risks which includes but not limited to the numerous risks and dangers involved including but not limited to –

  •     Physical exertion for which client may not be prepared.
  •     Transportation by plane, train car, bus, boat or other mode of transportation (such as bicycle, horse, foot, etc.)
  •     Consumption of alcoholic beverages
  •     High altitude on hills
  •     Forces of nature like high winds, hurricanes, flooding, etc.
  •     Exhaustion due to heat.
  •     Civil unrest, terrorism or criminal activity.
  •     Dangers associated with wild or other animals.
  •     Quality of medical services in remote areas.
  •     Problem associated with lost or misplaced luggage.


Client / user of this website acknowledge that the enjoyment and excitement of tour is derived from the inherent risks incurred therein and activity beyond the safety of normal life at home and that such inherent risks contribute to excitement & enjoyment. Therefore, the client agrees to be responsible for their own welfare and associated risks during tour.

Client / user of this website discharge and release Travelbizz from and against all sort of liabilities arising during intended tour except that arise due to negligence of Travelbizz .

Client / user of this website further agree that this release of liability shall be legally binding upon them personally, all family members and minors traveling with them and their heirs, successors, assigns & legal representatives.

Travelbizz reserves the right to increase the tour price without any prior information in the event of increase in cost due to changes in airfares, railway fares, currency fluctuations, fuel prices, etc.

Travelbizz reserves the right to decline to accept or retain any person as a member of specific tour group or to cancel or modify the tour schedule / group without notice.

Client/ user of this website understand that medical services or facilities may not be readily and easily available or accessible during entire tour.

Clients/ users of this website has been advised to have travel insurance, cancellation insurance and medical insurance and the same are the sole responsibility of the person intending to incur tour. They will further be responsible for –

    Being in sufficiently good health to undertake the tour.
    To prepare themselves for the tour by studying the itinerary and pre-departure materials
    For bringing the appropriate clothing and equipment as advised from time to time.

Travelbizz reserves the right to take photograph or film records of any of tour booked by them and to use any such photograph or film records for promotional and/or commercial purposes, including use by third parties with hom Travel Bizz may engage in joint marketing. For such photograph or film, the client, who travels, will not be remunerated. The client assigns to Travelbizz  all right, title and interest that he/ she may have in or to any media during the tour.

The client/ user of this website understands that Travelbizz  reserves the right to refuse anyone as a tour participant, or remove anyone from a tour if it judges them to be incapable of meeting the rigors and requirements of participating in the activities of tour, or who it determines to detract from the enjoyment of the tour by others.

The client/ user of this website will have to follow all written and verbal rules of safety presented to them by the service providers.

Travelbizz reserves the right to make route, hotel and trip modifications as required or desirable to improve the trip quality and/or to accommodate the comfort and well-being of guests.

If any client or user of this website have any grievance in respect of services provided by Travelbizz , the same can be notified to us within 7 days of availing the service. We shall take all reasonable steps to redress the genuine grievance. Such complaints may be addressed to

Unless otherwise specifically requested, the services of Travelbizz is not for commercial use. It is meant for personal, family or group use only. The client / website user shall not modify, copy, distribute, transmit, display, perform, reproduce, publish, license, create derivative works from, transfer, or sell any information or services obtained from this web-site.

Although Travelbizz complete effort to ensure that the description and content published on each page of our web-site is correct, it does not, take responsibility for any human or data entry errors and / or for any loss or damages suffered by user due to any information contained herein. Travelbizz does not own or operate airlines, buses, boats, hotels, etc. and hence cannot control or prevent changes in the published descriptions. Travelbizz reserves the right to make requisite changes and in the event you place any order with us or choose to avail of our services, the same will be informed to you within reasonable time.

Web-site of Travelbizz may contain links to other sites Those are not under the control of us and hence we are not responsible for the contents of any such site or any changes or updates to them. Travelbizz is not responsible for any form of transmission, whatsoever, received from such site. Since, we have provided those links in our web-site for your convenience, it doesn't imply any endorsement by us of the site or their owners.

The user / clients warrant that they will not use our web site for any purpose that is unlawful or illegal for the time being in force within or outside India. Further the user would be obliged to not use site in any manner, which could damage, disable, overburden, or impair it or interfere with any other party's use and/or enjoyment of the Site. The user shall have to refrain from gaining or attempt to gain any material or information through any means not intentionally made available or provided for through the Site.

Travelbizz is not answerable for any mistakes, lapses or representations on any of the pages in our website or on any links therein. Travelbizz does not endorse any advertiser on our web-site in any manner. The users / clients are requested to verify the accuracy of information on their own before relying.

Travelbizz hereby expressly denies any implied warranties imputed by the laws of any jurisdiction. We consider ourselves and intends to be subject to the jurisdiction of the courts of NCT of Delhi only.

If the users / clients do not agree with any of the disclaimers published herein, they are advised not to use our web-site.

The users / clients expressly agree that use of the services or reliance on contents herein is at their own risk. The services provided by us is on the basis of "as is" and "as available" basis. Travelbizz may change the features or functionality of our services any time, in our sole discretion.

Travelbizz at its sole discretion reserves the right not to accept any client's order without assigning any reason thereof. Travelbizz accepts liability to provide any service only after full money towards the service is received from the client to us.

Travelbizz use some photos on it's website (, for which we have rights to use. But mistakes or human error can never be ruled out completely, hence, if anyone find a photo for which we don't have rights to or is being used incorrectly, please inform us immediately so we can address and rectify same or otherwise remove it.